
(The following settings will no longer be required after version 1.2.9. If you have any issues, please contact the developer.)

On Mac OS you may encounter the following error message upon install:

It means that the software has not been notarized and cannot be checked by Apple. However don't worry, it does not tell you that it actually contains any malware.After you install InfyniDock to the applications folder, right-click the InfyniDock icon and select "Open":

For more details, please see this Apple Support article:

Safely open apps on your Mac

OR: disable the spctl: Open Terminal, input: sudo spctl --master-disable

2、InfyniDock Privacy Policy

We highly value your privacy. Infynidock is a localized tool that does not collect or upload any user data, except for activation code verification which requires an internet connection.

(1)、Information Collection

(1) When activating infynidock, we will verify your activation code and license type over the internet. This requires collecting data such as your activation code, device identification information, etc., but is only used for activation verification and nothing else. Infynidock does not collect or upload any of your documents, settings, usage information, etc. All processing is done locally.

(2)、Information Use

We do not use the activation information collected for advertising, user tracking or any other purposes.

(3)、Your Information Rights

You have the right to know what information we collect. You can contact us at any time to inquire. You have the right to request that we delete the information collected. After activation is complete, we will proactively delete the relevant data. We are committed to handling your information in a responsible manner, ensuring your privacy is protected to the maximum extent. If you have any questions about our privacy statement, please feel free to contact us at any time.